My Story

Born and raised in Metro Detroit, my passion for creating art can be traced to a single memorable experience in a grade school art class.

While studying notable artists and their influential styles, a painting by Georges Pierre Seurat entitled ‘A Sunday on La Grande Jatte’ left a lasting impression. Seurat’s technique called Pointillism – applying small, distinct dots of color in various patterns to form a desired image – captivated me. To this day, I remember a silly tagline from a TV commercial highlighting his work – “Seurat knew a lot about dots!”

I spent several decades experimenting with various styles and mediums until I focused my efforts exclusively on the Pointillism style. Adding a unique twist to the technique, I replaced the paint brush with map pins while using a limited color palette. My palette consisted of only primary colors: red, yellow and blue, along with white, which are hand placed into definitive patterns on a black background to create both the illusion of additional colors and a three-dimensional appearance.

Unfortunately, later in life, I began experiencing episodes of Clinical Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. These episodes would stifle my creative process for long periods of time. However, to overcome these debilitating episodes, I found that creating art was very therapeutic. Still today, producing art is an integral part of my continued recovery process.

In 2018, I began my first comprehensive pin art series entitled ‘Influencers.’ This 20-piece series centers on mental illness and its impact on celebrities including Taylor Swift, Mark Wahlberg and Kobe Bryant, among many others. These well-known personalities have been personally burdened with or became advocates for mental illness. Despite battling my own illness and experiencing a global wide pandemic, I completed ‘Influencers’ in four years.

In 2022, I produced a limited two-piece series entitled ‘Right Brain, Loves Trains’ highlighting a childhood interest – trains and railways.

In 2023, after relocating to Florida, my inspiration transitioned to the peace and tranquility of a coastal lifestyle. My new series of pieces can be seen under my Coastal Life page.

To this day, creative expression is a necessary part of my ongoing therapy to overcome my episodes of mental illness. As a result, I am a member of NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for families affected by mental illness.

Map pins in primary colors.


Education BAA in Graphic Design
Emphasis in Graphic Design, Color Theory, Art Composition
Central Michigan University
Corporate 2012-2016. Detroit Marriott Hotel - Detroit, Michigan
                     Nine Pieces were commissioned for their Lobby redesign.
Exhibitions 2024. Art League of Daytona Beach
           “Member’s Showcase” Art Exhibit: January 19th - February 14th
           Honorable Mention - 175 Total Participants (34 Awards presented)
2024. Became Official Resident Artist at Art Collective, St. Augustine, FL on November 1st
2024. Art League of Daytona Beach
           “Member’s Showcase” Art Exhibit: October 6th - November 8th
           1st Place Award - 122 Total Participants
2024. Became Official Resident Artist at Ocean Art Gallery, October 1st
2024. Ocean Art Gallery, Ormond Beach, FL
           “Featured Artist for August - August 3rd - September 2nd
           “Pins, Patterns and Finding Peace” Exhibit
2024 St. Augustine Art Association
           "History Through the Lens of the Artist” July 18th - August 25
            Honorable Mention Award
2024. Art League of Daytona Beach
           “Figuratively Speaking” Art Exhibit: June 16 - July 19th
           3rd Place Award - 80 Total Participants
2018-2019. Inspire Galleries – Novi, Michigan
2016-2018. Artisan Art Gallery – Livonia, Michigan
2014-2015. Royal Oak Art Gallery - Royal Oak, Michigan
2012-2018. Artisan Art Gallery – Macomb, Michigan
Engagement 2016. DESC Fundraiser - Detroit Michigan
           Donated Several Art Pieces for Auction
2013. 8 Mile Boulevard Association Fundraiser – Detroit Michigan
           Donated Several Art Pieces for Auction



  • BAA in Graphic Design
    Emphasis in Graphic Design, Color Theory, Art Composition
    Central Michigan University


  • 2012-2016. Detroit Marriott Hotel – Detroit, Michigan
    Nine Pieces were commissioned for their Lobby redesign.


  • 2024. Art League of Daytona Beach  “Member’s Showcase” Art Exhibit,  January 19th – February 14th, Honorable Mention | 175 Total Participants (34 Awards presented)
  • 2024. Became Official Resident Artist at Art Collective, St. Augustine, FL on November 1st
  • 2024. Art League of Daytona Beach
    “Member’s Showcase” Art Exhibit: October 6th – November 8th
    1st Place Award – 122 Total Participants
  • 2024. Became Official Resident Artist at Ocean Art Gallery, October 1st
  • 2024. Ocean Art Gallery, Ormond Beach, FL, Featured Artist for August – August 3rd – September 2nd, “Pins, Patterns and Finding Peace” Exhibit
  • 2024. St. Augustine Art Association “History Through the Lens of the Artist” July 18th – August 25, Honorable Mention Award
  • 2024. Art League of Daytona Beach, Figuratively Speaking, 3rd Place Award – 80 Total Participants
  • 2018-2019. Inspire Art Gallery – Novi, Michigan
  • 2016-2018. Artisan Art Gallery – Livonia, Michigan
  • 2014-2015. Royal Oak Art Gallery – Royal Oak, Michigan
  • 2012-2018. Artisan Art Gallery – Macomb, Michigan


  • 2016. DESC Fundraiser – Detroit Michigan, Donated Several Art Pieces for Auction
  • 2013. 8 Mile Boulevard Association Fundraiser – Detroit Michigan, Donated Several Art Pieces for Auction